Print heads are the heart of the printers which jetting ink through out.
And almost printheads are the most important part of wide format printers.
If you have specific printhead of printer ,then you have that printhead chracteristics output on your work.
New time, is high output speed, with precision drops with vivid colors.
I will recommend you some new heads and new coming rumours.
Seiko SPT510-SPT 1020-35PL
Seiko infotech company produces these heads with Xaar licensee, and reached very good reputation with high speed output, specially Chinese origin printers.
It is almost known these heads with Old Dupont Textile printers.
It is nice electronics and structure printheads however ink dependent due to environment conditions effect electronic easy.
Roland Aj-1000 ,Hollanders TExtile printers are also some of Seiko head partners.
If you look Solvent based printers, We highly recommend these heads,but you should use very good quality inks most probably Toyo inks preffered only.
KONICA 1000-512MN-14PL/42pl
Konica minolta produces heads with Xaar licensee either and very sensitive drop out with 14pl ,it is also sensitive to ink quality on 14pl .And indoor quality solvent and eco solvent and UV application with photographic outputs are preffered. At solvent based ink, Toyo ink is the top quality level supplier for reliable inks, all other inks have serious issues.For the 14pl UV inks, Sericol,Toyo,Sun Chemical is reliable partners for good quality inks.However 42 pl inks are almost open for all ink manufacturers and speed and high quality.
1000nozzle printheads are coming market new Seiko Colorpainter printers with high success with Toyo inks.
You must choose these heads if you look photographic solutions, if the ink cost is not the issue,Konica is your right choice.
(dont forget old Seiko Colorpainter,HP Designjet 9000/10000 are also used these heads)
New Konica heads are coming out soon with pricewise 35pl printheads and new high speed 1000nozzle printheads.
You will see new printers at Fespa 2010 Munich.
The leader of the inkjet printhead manufacturer is Xaar plc, which release a year ago 382 nozzles 35pl proton heads which is simply upgraded version of Xaar 500 printheads.
Most of Chinese printer manufacturers returned Xaar these heads,such as Witcolor ,Zhongye...etc, however there is slighly electronics of printer manufactuers, inks and mechanical issues are serious cases.
Neolt(Italy) and Eurotech(Turkey) has much stable printers with these Heads are already in market.
There is only 2-3 reliable ink manufacturers of solvent and UV for these heads are, Aquatint(India) and Stetjet (Turkey) are the first ones with achievement.
Xaar Proton will be leading place for speed with optimum quality level soon.
However,Xaar has some issues with low quality printers made by far east ,damage the name of printheads.And old printheads are still a bad name for Xaar given by poor priter manufacturer except old Matan Scitex and now HP Scitex Grandjet which is most succesfful printer ever with old Xaar 128.
Market one of other leader is Spectra is coming out with high speed and high drop quality with 15pl and compete with Konica minolta.
One of leading Chinese printer manufacturer already pioneer and release a solvent printer with Polaris.Runjiang Flora is already spread out on Far East and Middle EAst.However printhead is complete new for applications and inks.
As we do heard that Neolt,Eurotech,and some other printer manufacturers are coming out with Solvent and UV inks to Fespa with these head.
IT is extreme higher speed compare to Konica Minolta 14pl heads and more flexible for inks .
However there is only 3 solvent ink manufacturer is fine with polaris, Shiny Color(china),Inkware(USA) and Stetjet (Turkey.)
We recommend to follow up carefull to buy these printhead printers due to little bad reputation with previous 128 spectra skywalker however first reaction of market is extreme good.
Old Hitachi Koki and new Ricoh since 4-5 years are coming out new Grayscale printheads use of Solvent,UV and Aquoes inks.
As Rumour, Mimaki is coming out Textile printer with them. Colorspan used to be partner with GEN e3 printhead with Ricoh.
It is high speed and high quality printheads. Ricoh is not well known in market due to OEMS are more important for them.
Keep looking Ricoh printers in Fespa 2010 .
You may follow my tips from the web : http://www.perfectprintersink.com/
selamlar ben vutek5300 hitachi 256 prınthead kafası
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